Nook Look

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Holiday Season

This year many bittersweet memories came to the surface this holiday season. I really miss my family that is no longer with us and I really let stress take over instead of taking care of me and doing the things I really enjoy instead I waited for the other shoe to drop all season. The boys made out like bandits and I have to say even though I got things I love I was just so happy that I got to spend so much time with my family and friends this year. That was the true gift. I wish I got to spend more time with my Grandma but as always I'm let everyone else's priorities take precedent. I am starting out this year on the right foot, literally. I'm taking a half marathon class starting Saturday and although I know I can do it... I am really nervous. Since I did not put up many Christmas decorations there aren't many to take down. I didn't make cookies this year but the kitchen is still a mess. The kids new presents and my scrapbook stuff is spread everywhere and there is always laundry to fold and rooms to clean. So I am off to be Mom again and hopefully this year I will attempt to make my life a priority in my life. We will see how that works out.

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