Nook Look

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Falling for you

We near the end of October, one of my favorite months of the year. I love all the changes the world goes through this month. I love the smell of rain, the wind blowing away the dust, the crisp air in my lungs as I enjoy the long walks in the park with my dear friend. I love October and its nearly over. October isn't just the change in the leaves its also a month of empowerment with the whole ... Breast Cancer Awareness Month here. Don't forget for each time you click on over the the Breast Cancer site and follow the directions each click is a click closer to giving someone a free mammogram. It is so important to find BC before it metastasizes. That's where the statistics are on our side. Anyhow. I love all the reds, browns, yellows and oranges of fall. I love the pink of the ribbon. I love spending time with my kids and they pushed back the Daylight Savings Time to November 3rd. Don't forget to change your clocks.

I took a break on Sunday and went with Good Neighbor to the local Tree farm where we got some great pix of the kids playing. I'll post some here. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I am excited about a couple of things. November is a time to be thankful. Novermber is also National Blog Posting Month. I am going to try to remember to write something different every time I blog about what I am thankful for. I thought I would start early. I am thankful for my sister and her family. I am thankful that I get to spend so much time with her and the kids. I miss BIL but time is flying by and he will be back before we know it. I am thankful for you sister. That is my today's thankful spotlight.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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