Nook Look

Thursday, October 12, 2006

So I am Tina, the sorta single mom. My husband is usually either working or hunting. As a paramedic and firefighter he has long hours and few breaks. He deserves a break once in a while, and I am very good about letting him go hunting for deer or elk out of state every other year, in state on the opposite years, then there is duck, pheasant and dove. Oh and did I mention salmon fishing with his dad and brother? I work in the office part time at the same company Chris works at. So on his days off, I work.

So not only to I manage a household being a short order cook, event planner and sometimes a photographer but I try to have life as a sorta single mom. Most of all I am "that" mom. Wyatt and Jack are my life and it has been quite a roller coaster for the last few years. Lots of ups and downs that I hope to express in a positive way here on this blog. I hope this makes me a better mom and a better wife by expressing myself. Feel free to give constructive criticism. I need it much of the time. So here it is my life a little piece of me at a time.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey Tina Girl! Glad you are blogging too! I love it, I may not post as much as I should, but it is a great way to keep people updated without sending a billion emails when I don't have a lot of time. And I love sharing pictures! Keep writing.